
  usage: pyseqrna  input_file, samples_path, reference_genome, feature_file [options]

  pyseqrna 0.0.2 : a python based RNAseq data analysis package
  optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --version             Show version information and exit
  Required positional arguments:
    input_file            Tab-delimited file containing sample information
    samples_path          Directory for raw reads
    reference_genome      Path to the reference genome file.
    feature_file          Path to the GTF/GFF file 
  Internal arguments:
    --source SOURCE       Provide the source database of reference and feature file
                          [default: ENSEMBL]
    --taxid TAXID         Provide ncbi taxonomy id of the species
    --species SPECIES     Provide ncbi taxonomy id of the species
    --organismType SPECIESTYPE
                          Provide Organism class
    --outdir OUTDIR       create output directory name to write results.
                          [default: pySeqRNA_results] 
    --paired              Enable paired end functionality in pySeqRNA
    --fastqc              Enable initial quality check on raw reads with fastqc 
    --fastqcTrim          Enable quality check on trimmed reads with fastqc
    --ribosomal           Enable removal of ribosomal RNA from reads
    --rnadb               Enable removal of ribosomal RNA from reads
    --multimappedGroups   Enable multimapped gene group quantification 
    --minReadCounts       Minimum number of reads to consider per sample for MMG 
    --percentSample       Minimum number of reads to consider in percent of samples for MMG 
    --combination COMBINATION [COMBINATION ...]
                          Provide space separated combination of samples to 
                          be compared for differential expresion.
                          For example M1-A1 M1-V1 Z1-M1
    --fdr FDR             False Discovery Rate threshold
    --fold FOLD           FOLD change value for filtering DEGs. 
                          Remember pyseqrna performs log2 of the given value
    --noreplicate         Execute Differential gene expression with no replicate
    --normalizeCount {RPKM,TPM,CPM,medianRatiocount}
                          Convert raw read counts to normalized counts
    --heatmap             Create heatmap
    --heatmapType {counts,degs}
                          Create heatmap based on selected choice 
                          [default: counts]
    --maPlot              Create MA plot
    --volcanoPlot         Create Volcano plot
    --vennPlot            Enables venplot of differentially expressed genes.
                          [default: False] 
                          Provide space separated 2-4 combination of samples to 
                          be compared for differential expresion.For example M1-A1 M1-V1 Z1-M1
                          [Default is to make random vennplot of 4 combinations].
    --cluster             Cluster samples to find dissimilarities in data
  Functional annotation arguments:
    --geneOntology        Enables gene ontology functional enrichment using BioMart
    --keggPathway         Enables kegg pathway functional enrichment using KEGG
  External tool arguments:
    --trimming {flexbar,trimmomatic,trim_galore}
                          Select a tool for quality based read trimming.
                          [default: trim_galore]
    --aligner {STAR,hisat2}
                          Select a read alignment tool.
                          [default: STAR]
    --quantTool {featureCounts,Htseq}
                          Select a feature quantification tool.
    --deTool {DESeq2,edgeR}
                          Select a tool for differential expression.
  Computation arguments:
    --slurm               Enable SLURM job scheduling on HPC
    --threads THREADS     Number of processors/threads to use
                          [default:80% of available CPU]
    --memory MEMORY       Max memory to use (in GB)
    --resume {trimming,alignment,differential,functional}
  Written by Naveen Duhan (,
  Kaundal Bioinformatics Lab, Utah State University,
  Released under the terms of GNU General Public Licence v3